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You’ve Arrived! Caregiver Salad
Stuck in the In-between

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What does this ingredient mean to you? For me it means hosting dinner to a raucous house of kids and grandkids. The bubbling laughter...

Toileting and Incontinence Care with Dementia

Today's ingredient is a combo pack. Toileting and incontinence care of your resident or loved one with dementia. Each stage of the...

Advocating For Your Loved One

I want to talk today about what it means to be an advocate for someone else. This ingredient comes in all shapes and sizes. Just...

When a Dementia Patient Says, "I Wanna' Go Home!"

Today's salad is a dementia salad with only one ingredient. What do you do when your client, resident or loved one says, "I wanna' go...

Aaron's Newest Diagnosis'

So, it's been a while. I'm sorry about that. We have had a lot going on. Seems there is always a lot going on with a lot more to come. I...

Dealing With Falls as The Caregiver of an Elderly Adult

Today's ingredient leaves a very sour taste in my mouth. Today we are adding falls to our Caregiver Salad. Unfortunately dealing with...

What is Caregiver Burnout and how do you Avoid It

I am a CNA in a facility that caters to the elderly at all different stages of their later years. Some come to us simply to have the...

Aaron: VNS, Seizures and Psychosis

Today's ingredient is that special little spice that takes you from being a parent to being a special needs parent. There are so many of...

My Loved One Has Dementia. Do They Remember Me?

Today's ingredient for our Caregiver Salad is one that hurts my heart. So many times I hear: "I don't need to visit them, they don't...

Dealing With the Loss of a Resident at Your Facility

We lost you today. You were one of my favorites, even though we definitely aren't supposed to have favorites. Don't worry, we won't tell...

Home: Blog2

Hi Everyone, my name is Tina. 

Passion Makes Perfect

I started Caregiver Salad with the goal of offering readers a glimpse into my thoughts and experiences. I hope to be able to help others learn from what I've been through and make their journey through caregiving a little bit easier. 

Home: About Me
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